Be Fit for Life at Any Age

October 13, 2009 at 12:04 pm Leave a comment

It is common knowledge that not staying active is dangerous. You increase the chances of being obese and you encourage various dreaded diseases. As you get older, you will realize the huge importance of health and fitness. You will also realize that exercise and being fit is more sensible for the preservation of muscles, figure, and appearance.

So many people today don’t get enough physical activity and one reason is laziness. People tend to simply sit down and do nothing. They don’t make moves to get proper exercise or even follow a healthy diet. Almost always, smoking, drinking, are their common past times.

In order to be healthy and fit for life and evade from diseases, perform gold coast personal training EXERCISE. Below are some reasons why you need to exercise:

• Exercise can boost your physical alertness as well as fight off dreaded diseases. Exercise can make you feel good and enjoy life more.

• Regular exercise can put a stop to some most notorious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. More than lessening the chance of becoming ill, exercise can also rid you from depression.

• Being active thru exercise can help one to be independent and keep doing things like taking oneself, dressing up, and always take care of oneself even when they get older.

There are four basic types of exercise that you do at home which will allow you to be physical active and alert:

1. Take at least 30 minutes activity that will allow you to breathe harder. You can do endurance activities as these build your stamina, energy and staying power. If you are just starting out, you don’t necessarily need to be active 30 minutes all at once. You can start 10 minute sessions that can sum up to a total of 30 minutes each day.

2. Use your muscles. Failure to use muscles appropriately can take a toll of your body as you age. It is very important to have fit muscles as this can boost your metabolism. Muscles burn off more calories and can make your bones stronger.

3. Perform activities that will improve your balance. One good activity is to walk heel-to-toe. Walking this way, you can enhance your balance.

4. Do some stretching as this provides flexibility. Stretching will allow you to move freely and do activities smoothly. Before stretching, make sure that your muscles are warmed up to avoid injuries.

In conclusion, it is a must that you take exercise as part of your daily routine. Do things that you enjoy whether inside the house, office, or at the great outdoors. Or if you want to take exercise to the next level, get a Gold Coast personal Training.

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Common Cardio Workout Machine Mistakes Being Fit For Life At Any Age

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